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Building a Legacy to Preserve our Catholic Faith and Heritage

Joe and Irene Schellings

Joe and Irene Schellings: "The idea of building a chapel that was full of truth, goodness, and beauty really interested us… to find truth, you need to also encounter beauty."

Gift Plan: Charitable Remainder Trust

For Joe and Irene Schellings, Christendom College's new Christ the King Chapel first inspired them to give to the College through a stained-glass window dedication. Disillusioned by other so-called Catholic colleges in America, Christendom College stood out to them especially by its emphasis on the spiritual life-especially apparent in the new chapel project.

"The idea of building a chapel that was full of truth, goodness, and beauty really interested us. Many of us believe that to find truth, you need to also encounter beauty in our world," reflects Joe.

One of the main motivations for the Schellings' support of the chapel was the witness of students, faculty, and the wider Christendom community coming together to worship.

"We are so impressed with Christendom in how the community can go to Mass every day at lunch, and most of the students seem to go," says Joe. "Also, the faculty having lunch with the students as opposed to being segregated. The whole noontime-community routine is unique in today's elitist faculty colleges."

Editor's Note:Having retired in historic Duxbury, Massachusetts, the Schellings support Christendom students through the College's Freedom Fund (which helps keep Christendom free from federal government subsidies) and through a charitable remainder trust.

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